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Permaculture Articles

be pollinating a flower in a permaculture garden

This permaculture articles page contains an expanding offering of resources on concepts, techniques, practices and related sustainable living skills.

The word “permaculture” was coined by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren and describes a system of design that integrates all aspects of sustainable living, including polycultural systems of perennial and self-perpetuating plant and animal species useful to humankind.

Permaculture is understood as an approach to designing human settlements and agricultural systems that mimic the relationships found in natural ecological systems. It is a philosophy of working with, rather than against nature. It is a design science that is rooted in the observation of nature, and is a positive, solution-based way of thinking, using a practical set of ecological design principles and methods.

The principles of permaculture provide a framework that enables people to provide for food, energy, shelter, and other material and non-material needs. It encompasses diverse but inter-related fields, including gardening/horticulture, natural building, ecology, and much more.

The permaculture articles often include references to excellent books, resources, and classes on permaculture. We hope you enjoy these resources. You can peruse the permaculture articles below and/or sign up to the Alderleaf eNewsletter to get updates on new permaculture articles.

Permaculture Articles:

Medicinal Herb Gardening
Medicinal herb gardening is a wonderful way to begin incorporating permaculture into your life. (read more)

Fruit Tree Pruning Instructions
These simple fruit tree pruning instructions will help you bring health to your trees and encourage them to produce amazing fruit. (read more)

Permaculture Food Forest
Ever heard of a permaculture food forest? It’s a system of food production that utilizes the wisdom inherent in natural woodlands... (read more)

List of Deer Resistant Plants
The following list of deer resistant plants below includes plants that either deter deer or can handle being browsed by deer. (read more)

Evergreen Shrubs in Permaculture
There are many species of evergreen shrubs useful to the practice of permaculture - a design method which aims to integrate natural shelter, water, and food production into a sustainable system. (read more)

Benefits of Small Backyard Ponds
There are many benefits of small backyard ponds for both people and the environment. (read more)

Freshwater Ecosystems
Understanding what freshwater ecosystems are and how they function can help you better utilize a pond in the practice of permaculture, a system of sustainable design. (read more)

Plants for Ponds
Knowing key plants for ponds can help you create a new pond or improve an existing one. (read more)

Forest Food Web
Understanding the function of a forest food web can greatly enhance your effectiveness in creating, maintaining and improving a permaculture edible forest garden. (read more)

Fukuoka Farming: Working with Nature
Fukuoka Farming is a unique approach to natural farming that utilizes direct observations of nature and applies them to growing food, and is based on the work of THE ONE STRAW REVOLUTION author Masanobu Fukuoka.(read more)

Garden Companion Planting
If you have ever dreamed of growing your own edible garden, then you should know one of the keys is garden companion planting. (read more)

Floating Pond Plants
There are many wonderful uses for floating pond plants in your own pond setting. (read more)

Growing Chives
There are several easy ways to growing chives in your garden. With their colorful flowers, delicious flavor and medicinal value they are an excellent addition to your garden or home.(read more)

How to Grow Strawberries
The strawberry (Fragaria spp.) is an essential part of any home garden or self-sufficient farm. It is one of the only temperate climate fruits that do not grow on a tree or a bush...(read more)

Worm Composting System
A worm composting system is an easy, inexpensive and compact way to turn your food scraps into rich, plant-nourishing compost using just kitchen or home garden scraps...(read more)

Backyard Fish Farming
Permaculture principles are inspiring backyard fish farms as a sustainable food production system...(read more)

Growing Oyster Mushrooms
Growing oyster mushrooms is fun, simple and a great addition to any sustainable garden...(read more)

Building with Earthbags
Learn how to build with earthbag construction by using...(read more)

Cob Oven Construction
Learn how to build a cob oven, a natural building project and key element for many permaculture sites...(read more)

Homemade Compost Bins
Homemade compost bins turn your food and garden waste into wonderful compost. Below is information on the type of composting bin system we use in the central gardens at Alderleaf Wilderness College...(read more)

Heating a Greenhouse: Without Electricity
There are many creative ways to heating a greenhouse.  Here are several methods you can use to trap, maintain and raise the heat inside of your greenhouse...(read more)

Monkey Puzzle Trees
Learn about the edible, utilitarian, and cultural significance of the monkey puzzle tree, a plant useful to permaculturists and gardeners in cool, moist climates...(read more)

Permaculture Principles
Permaculture principles lay the foundation for making permaculture design decisions and sustainable living lifestyle choices. Learn about the 12 core principles...(read more)

Black Walnut Trees
Learn about the black walnut tree, an incredibly valuable tree for food, wildlife habitat, specialty lumber, and as a versatile addition to permaculture systems...(read more)

How to Raise Chickens
Learning how to raise chickens is a fulfilling and relatively simple way to be more self-reliant and be in closer connection to your food, whether you have a city yard or a country farm...(read more)

Autumn Olive
Autumn olive is a shrub the straddles the line between multi-use permaculture plant and problematic invasive...(read more)

Solar Ovens
A solar oven is a unique and fun way to cook food by converting free sunlight into heat energy. It can be especially useful for emergencies, off-grid homesteading, and permaculture plans...(read more)

15 Great Permaculture Plants
Learn about helpful permaculture plants that can serve you well whether you are planning to start a garden, landscaping around your property, or going all out on a sustainable homestead design...(read more)

Home Cheese Making
Home cheese making is easy and with some basic knowledge and minimal equipment you’ll be started in no time! It’s also a skill set that increases your capacity for self-sufficiency and a permaculture lifestyle...(read more)

Compost Tea Recipes
Learn how to make your own organic fertilizer to boost your fruit and vegetable gardening using compost tea recipes...(read more)

Mushroom Cultivation
An overview on how to grow edible mushrooms in your home and garden. Alderleaf instructor, Ben Mardis, shares tips for getting started...(read more)

How to Homestead - 6 Ways to Go from Surviving to Thriving
Homesteading is a natural extension of learning wilderness survival skills. Survival principles are applied to your home life to become more self-sufficient and sustainable...(read more)

Learn about Permaculture Courses at Alderleaf.

Read more permaculture articles at the Permaculture magazine site.

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