Is The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Online Course Right for You? Take the Free Quiz!

Ben Mardis

Ben Mardis is an instructor at Alderleaf and a graduate of both the Alderleaf Wilderness Certification Program and the Advanced Wilderness Skills Program. He holds a B.S. in Conservation and Restoration Science, Level II Tracker Certification, Advanced Permaculture Design Certificate, and spent three years volunteering on homesteads around the U.S. before beginning work on his own homesteading project in the PNW. Ben was born and raised on the east coast and served as a United States Navy Submariner before finding his calling in the Pacific Northwest. He is a passionate naturalist and skilled outdoor educator who loves unfolding the mysteries of the plants, birds, and fungal kingdom. Ben enjoys growing perennial plants for his nursery business, Wild Sprout Nursery, playing guitar, and spending time outdoors with his wife, Tara.

Articles by Ben Mardis on the Alderleaf Website:

- 15 Great Permaculture Plants

- Nettle Pesto Recipe

- Home Cheese Making

- Compost Tea Recipe

- Mushroom Cultivation

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Is The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Course Right for You? Take the "Online Survival Training Readiness" Quiz

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