Is The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Online Course Right for You? Take the Free Quiz!

Outdoor Education Courses

Student trailing deer with instructor

Alderleaf offers several outdoor education courses. Learn outdoor leadership and nature-based teaching skills. Choose from weekend classes and nine-month programs.

Prepare for a career in wilderness education. Learn the skills needed to become a competent outdoor educator.

Course offerings include:

Nine-Month Alderleaf Wilderness Certification Program - Our most comprehensive course. In-depth training in survival, nature skills, outdoor leadership, and sustainability. The program prepares you to apply nature skills in a variety of outdoor careers in wilderness education, environmental research, sustainable living, and beyond. Imagine Knowing how to teach nature skills to others in a way that inspires hope, leadership, and action.

Nine-Month Advanced Wilderness Skills Program - A second year of advanced training for Wilderness Certification Program graduates seeking to further develop their skills towards careers. The program focuses on advanced studies and applications of each of our core curriculum areas (survival, tracking, ethnobotany, permaculture, naturalist skills, and outdoor leadership & teaching).

Wilderness First Aid Training Courses - Certification in the fundamental concepts of medical care in a wilderness setting. These classes focus on basic life support skills, minor trauma, spine assessment, selected environmental topics, toxic and allergic reactions, the ruling out process, and "common" medical emergencies. The majority of time is spent in hands-on skills practice and simulations.

5-Day Wilderness Skills Camp for Kids - Our summer day camp for youth ages 6 to 12 - is Alderleaf's program for youth. Now your children can also experience Alderleaf's amazing outdoor education! Kids learn the basics of wild edible plants, birding, wilderness survival, ecology, wildlife tracking, and more through exciting adventures, activities, crafts, and games.

Online registration is available for many of our wilderness courses.
Visit the Course Registration page to sign up for classes.

Sign up to the Alderleaf eNewsletter to receive updates on
new wilderness courses and nature skills articles.

For more information on the field of outdoor education we recommend

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Is The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Course Right for You? Take the "Online Survival Training Readiness" Quiz

See for yourself if this eye-opening course is a good fit for you. It takes just a few minutes! Get your Survival Training Readiness Score Now!

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