Is The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Online Course Right for You? Take the Free Quiz!

Support Alderleaf Wilderness College

At Alderleaf, we believe that wilderness wisdom provides solutions to many environmental and social challenges. Help us share knowledge of nature and sustainability by supporting our work!

There are three ways you can support Alderleaf:

1. Make a financial contribution
2. Donate needed books and/or equipment
3. Volunteer your time

Learn more below:

1. Making a Financial Contribution

As a grassroots organization your generosity helps us offer scholarships to students in need, implement sustainability projects, reach out to youth, and make a bigger difference in the world. Please consider supporting our work by making a secure online donation by clicking below.

2. Donating Needed Books and/or Equipment

As a growing organization, we are often in need of specific books and equipment. Another way to support us is by donating new or used items. Listed below are our current needs:

Current Wish List
Additional field guides
Camp lanterns
Garden tools
Outdoor plants
Building materials
Power tools

*Please be sure to contact us before making a material donation

3. Volunteering at Alderleaf

We very much appreciate the support of volunteers at Alderleaf. From garden projects, to trail-building, and office support, there are often opportunities to help out around the school. A great way to get involved is through our project parties. Project parties are also a good opportunity to visit the farm and meet residents, students, and staff.

Contact us to find out when our next project party is happening.

Thank you for your support!

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Is The Essential Wilderness Survival Skills Course Right for You? Take the "Online Survival Training Readiness" Quiz

See for yourself if this eye-opening course is a good fit for you. It takes just a few minutes! Get your Survival Training Readiness Score Now!

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