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Food Forest Course

Jason Knight in the food forest

Food Forest Course Details:
Dates: Jul 26-27, 2014
Duration: Sat 9am - Sun 4pm
Location: Monroe, WA
Instructor: Alderleaf staff
Cost: $250

Whether you're an existing landowner or someone who plans on acquiring land in the future, you'll learn how to develop it into a lush forest garden that can provide you with food, medicine, rich wildlife habitat and many other utilitarian outputs in a relatively short amount of time. Using permaculture principles, you'll learn to develop a garden that mimics the natural processes of the forest, where maintenance is minimal and the outputs are diverse.

No longer will you have to spend countless hours watering, weeding, fertilizing and keeping the pests out. A specific, yet diverse grouping of plants and design strategies will allow your food forest to manage these time intensive tasks for you. You'll never look at agriculture the same way ever again!

Course topics include:

  • Food forest design principles
  • Species selection for nitrogen fixers, dynamic accumulators, beneficial insect attraction, aromatic pest confusers, water retention, additional yields, and more
  • Plant guilds and companion planting strategies

On day one you'll learn about the food forest project at Alderleaf Farm and the how and why of its creation. We will discuss alternative design strategies for different environments and go through the observation, planning and implementation processes.

On day two you'll put the previous day's knowledge to the test and gain hands-on experience with a new food forest project at Alderleaf's community housing property right down the street.

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