Stone Tools & Flintknapping Course

stone tools and flintknapping course

Stone Tools & Flintknapping Course Details:

Dates: Sep 7-8, 2024
Duration: 10am - 3pm each day
Location: Monroe, WA
Instructor: Alderleaf staff
Cost: $297

Before the advent of metal-working all of our ancestors depended on implements made out of rock for survival. Stones can be shaped into a variety of functional tools, such as arrowheads, axes, knives, and grinding implements. Having an understanding of how to shape and use rock is an invaluable wilderness survival skill.

In this workshop, you'll learn how to turn common stones and obsidian into useful tools. You'll create a basic stone knife and other tools to take home.

Flintknapping: Making Stone Arrowheads

You'll also be guided through the process of making obsidian arrow points. Using obsidian and the traditional flintknapping methods that were used by prehistoric people, students will learn percussion techniques for core and biface reduction, and pressure techniques for finishing spear and arrow points.

Class demonstrations and discussions will include a variety of topics including the use of obsidian and stone materials other than obsidian such as flint and chert. The class is designed for beginners new to flintknapping. Students will make stone points to take home.

Students should bring:

  • Thin leather gloves or neoprene/nitro garden gloves (Alderleaf also has gloves that can be used)
  • Glasses or safety goggles (Alderleaf has goggles that can be used)
  • All students must wear long pants and closed toed shoes or boots while flintknapping.
  • If you have done any flintknapping prior to the class please bring examples of things you’ve made. (no prior experience necessary)
  • If you have flintknapping tools, leather pads or antler you would like to use for tools, please bring them. (Alderleaf equipment is also available for use)
  • Bring any knapping materials you have that you would like to work on. (Alderleaf provides obsidian for the class)

For answers to logistical questions, such as camping options, traveling to Alderleaf, what kind of weather to expect, etc... visit our
Frequently Asked Questions page.

Register for the Stone Tools & Flintknapping Course


"Great staff, material is awesome. Wish it was longer." -Robin Addison

"The goal of understanding how to shape and thin are now very understandable due to the hands-on projects and attention the instructors gave to each student. The instructors knowledge of of those that came before us and their travels and implements was impressive." - Dennis Day

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