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Custom Courses, Presentations, Coaching & Consulting

Alderleaf Wilderness College is experienced in providing customized wilderness skills education to groups, companies, individuals, and projects.

We deliver presentations to groups small and large, provide specialized training courses, and offer expert consultation.

We also offer coaching for individuals seeking to grow their wilderness skills, teaching skills, as well as those looking to start or grow their own wilderness school. 

Contact us with your request to inquire about rates and scheduling.

Several examples of our custom engagements are listed below:

Alderleaf provides specialized wilderness survival training to the Washington State Department of Ecology Conservation Corps on an annual basis. These four-day courses provide Conservation Corp members with valuable survival skills relevant to their work in remote wilderness locations.

Alderleaf was contracted by Captain Fantastic Productions to provide a customized survival training experience to many of the leading cast members, as part of their preparation for roles portraying a family living in the wilderness. Captain Fantastic is a major film production, starring Viggo Mortensen, which debuted at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2016.

Alderleaf provided a flintknapping (stone tools) presentation and demonstration for the Anthropology Department at Everett Community College. The event included a Powerpoint presentation on the materials and techniques for making stone points and knives, as well as an outdoor live demo on knapping obsidian into arrowheads.

Alderleaf partners with The Mountaineers Seattle Branch each summer to deliver wilderness skills training to urban youth attending their summer day camps. Skills covered include shelter-building, fire-making, basic wildlife tracking, and aidless navigation.

The Discovery Channel contracted with Alderleaf to have co-founder, Jason Knight, consult behind-the-scenes as a local wilderness expert for the "Coastal Catastrophe" episode of Dual Survival. We provided guidance on the survival uses of the flora and fauna local to the Pacific Northwest.

Alderleaf has provided custom survival and wild mushroom foraging classes for Hancock Forest Management. We delivered an enrichment program to foresters employed at Hancock. We also facilitated an additional training for Hancock staff and teachers at the Muckleshoot Tribal School.

Contact us with your request to inquire about rates and scheduling.

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